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Fire Protection Engineering for Architects

Waxler Fire Protection Engineering offers expert guidance on fire protection engineering for Architects.

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Waxler Fire Protection Engineering

Fire Safety for Architects

Waxler Fire Protection Engineering is a valuable partner for architects seeking to integrate effective fire protection measures into their designs. Our team collaborates closely with architects to develop innovative solutions that enhance building safety without compromising aesthetic considerations. We understand the importance of seamlessly integrating fire suppression and detection systems into architectural designs while meeting regulatory requirements. From conducting fire risk assessments to designing customized fire protection plans, we provide comprehensive support throughout the design process. With our specialized expertise and commitment to excellence, architects can trust Waxler Fire Protection Engineering to help realize their vision while prioritizing the safety and well-being of building occupants.

Meet the Team!

What We Do

Enhance Your Fire Safety Today With Waxler Fire Protection Engineering


Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm Design

Waxler Fire Protection Engineering specializes in designing fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems for architectural projects, ensuring effective fire protection measures are integrated into building designs.


Occupancy Classification Letters (OCL)
Commodity Letters

Our team provides expertise in preparing occupancy classification letters and commodity letters to help architects accurately classify and assess fire risks in buildings.


Fire & Life Safety Consulting

We offer fire and life safety consulting services to architects, providing guidance on risk assessment, emergency planning, and safety protocols.


Fire & Building Code Consulting

Waxler Fire Protection Engineering offers fire and building code consulting services to help architects navigate complex regulatory requirements and ensure compliance with applicable codes.


Smoke Control Design & Evaluation

We specialize in designing and evaluating smoke control systems for architectural projects to enhance occupant safety during fire events.


Fire Modelling & Full-Scale Fire Testing

Our team conducts fire modeling and full-scale fire testing to assess fire behavior and performance of fire protection systems in architectural projects.


Special Suppression Systems Design

We provide expertise in designing special suppression systems, such as foam, gas, and water mist systems, to architects to address unique fire protection challenges in buildings.


Fire Hydrant Flow Testing

We conduct fire hydrant flow testing to assess water flow rates and ensure adequate fire protection capabilities in architectural projects.


Emergency Responder In-building Radio Coverage Design & Testing

Waxler Fire Protection Engineering specializes in designing and testing emergency responder in-building radio coverage systems to ensure reliable communication for first responders during emergencies in architectural projects.


Special Inspections

Our team conducts special inspections to verify compliance with fire protection and building code requirements in architectural projects.


Dust Hazard Analysis

We provide dust hazard analysis services to architects to identify and mitigate potential fire hazards associated with combustible dust in buildings.

Design With Safety in Mind

Contact Waxler Fire Protection Engineering to integrate fire protection measures into your architectural designs. Give our experts a call today!

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